Miracle Story #1
"When I was pregnant with my fourth child I had gone in for an ultrasound at six weeks. It was just a precaution to make sure everything was fine and the baby was growing okay because I had had a miscarriage previously. In the middle of the ultrasound I could tell by looking at the technicians
face that something might be wrong. She left the room for a while and when she came back she said that there was something on my ovary but that the radiologist needed to look it over because she wasn’t positive what it was. I immediately got nervous because of my history, and left the office in tears that day. Shortly after that my doctor called and she said she needed me to come in so that we could discuss what was seen on the US. When I went in she told me that the ultrasound showed a suspicious mass on my ovary that had an unusual blood supply to it. I had no clue what that meant. She told me she didn't want me to panic but that I needed to go see a gynecologic oncologist.
I didn’t have any family members in the medical field or anything but I knew what oncology meant. I had a sister who passed away from skin cancer when she was twenty-four so I knew exactly what it meant. So that sent me into a little bit of a panic. I couldn’t get in to see the oncologist for about six weeks and I'm guessing because I've had someone very close to me die of cancer that I'm a little bit of a hypochondriac when it comes to my children, when it comes to myself and when it comes to my husband. And so I was sure at that point that I was going to die and all I could think about was that I was going to leave three little boys at home without a mother. I couldn't get my mind off of that.
Thankfully, I have very prayerful friends and people that were willing to pray for me. I had friends that were being anointed for me and they were sure that this was going to turn out to be nothing, but I was at a point where I wasn’t putting my full faith into the Lord.
My doctor wanted me to go in for an MRI before I saw the oncologist and the night before I was set to go in, my sister-in-law called me and told me that she didn’t think I should go in for the MRI. I was going to have to sign a risk waiver that basically said since I was so early in the pregnancy there was a certain level of risk that I could lose the baby. I decided to cancel that appointment and did not go in. When I finally got in to see the oncologist it was in December. He could see the panic in me and he tried to reassure me that he really didn’t think it was cancer. He told me that he thought I was too young for this type of cancer, which I later found out was not the case at all. Looking back, I really think he was just trying to calm me down.
He did a regular exam of the ovary and he said it did feel a little odd-shaped. He decided that the best course of action was to send me in for regular ultrasound scans throughout the pregnancy to make sure that the mass was not growing. He told me that if it did start to grow then they would need to go in and do surgery to figure out what was going on. If it didn't grow, we would just wait until after the baby was born and go from there.
So at fourteen weeks pregnant I went in for another ultrasound and at that point they said they didn’t know if it was because the baby was too big or what but they couldn’t see my ovary. And then I believe it was at my twenty week appointment they did another ultrasound and at this one they wanted to do an internal scan to get a closer look. They couldn't see the ovary at this point but they did discover little cysts on the babies brain. Up to this point, all my pregnancies, except for my miscarriage, had been perfect. There were no problems whatsoever so this just seemed to be one thing after another. Thankfully, on follow-up ultrasounds we discovered that the cysts had absorbed. Apparently those little cysts are actually quite normal and a lot of babies get them and they end up going away before they're born.
Six weeks after my son was born, I went in for a CT scan to check the ovary and see what was going on. After the scan, my OB came in to talk to me and she said, "I have never in my life seen this before, but whatever that was on your ovary with a blood supply, is gone. I don't know why, I don't know what to tell you as to why it's gone, but it's just not there anymore."
After that, I called my mom in tears and she said, "Jaime just think of all the people that you had praying for you during that time. Think of your friends that were anointed. This is a miracle. It's God working His miracle for you at this point in time.”
At that point I felt like, because throughout the whole pregnancy I was not putting my trust in God, I felt unworthy of that miracle. I felt like I was away from him during a lot of that pregnancy just because I was scared. And the only thing I could focus on was my kids and how was I going to leave them. I think if my sister wouldn’t have passed away and I wouldn’t have gone through that whole ordeal with her and cancer, I don’t think I would’ve been so scared. But I watched her die and I knew that cancer is real, I mean it was right there in front of me.Why would he give that to me when I wasn’t even trusting in him? When I should’ve had all the faith in the world that I was going to be fine, why did I deserve that miracle?
So that, I don’t know the answer to. But I know that sometimes when we get away from God, he does things to bring us back to him. And I think that that is what did it for me."
©2016 by One Million Miracles. All Rights Reserved.
My name is Jaime and I live in Wichita, Kansas.
In the midst of a cancer scare while pregnant, I AM miracle story #1.